Stable blood sugar level, optimal cholesterol level and blood pressure, reduction of inflammation - these are the most important dietary criteria for the prevention of coronary artery diseases. The aim of the group is to share both theoretical and practical dietary tips from international research aimed at preventing heart disease. The group will discuss what to eat, how to shop, and how to prepare it in the healthiest and fastest way. We will talk about different dietary trends focusing on the prevention of chronic diseases (for example, Mediterranean diet, DASH, paleo, plant-based diet, Esselstyn), their advantages/disadvantages and implementation possibilities. In addition to regular content, downloadable shopping and diet lists will be available in the group, and it will also be possible to ask questions. The head of the group is Júlia Perger SZÍVSN consultant member, specialist in nutrition (MSc). You can join the group at this link:
Let’s eat HEARTLY!- A nutrition education Facebook group is starting!
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