Dear SZIVSN members!
On the initiative of the Board of the SZÍVSN National Patients’ Association (headquarters: 1134 Budapest, Angyalföldi u. 36. 3/122.) I hereby convene the Annual General Meeting of the organization:
Date: Friday, 19 May 2023 at 17:00
- In person: Semmelweis University, Városmajori Clinic (Budapest, 1122 Gaál József utca 9-11, 3rd floor, large auditorium)
- Report on the work done in 2022
- Accounting report for the year 2022
- presentation and adoption of the 2022 public benefit statement
- adoption of the reports under the previous items
Presentation and adoption of the work plan and financial plan for 2023 - updating of the Statutes (simplification of the procedure for admission of members under the authority of the President, description of the Groups and their functioning)
Should the General Assembly convened for 17:00 on 19 May 2023 be unable to reach a quorum, the Bureau will convene a new General Assembly with an unchanged agenda and venue, which will be quorate regardless of the number of members present.
The date of the resumed General Assembly is Friday 19 May 2023 at 18:30.
Within 3 working days of the date of delivery of the invitation, members and the bodies of the Association may ask the President to add to the agenda, stating the reasons for the addition.
Members may exercise their right to participate and vote by proxy.
Yours sincerely, Zsuzsa Bernáth-Lukács
Budapest, 5 May 2023 President