Cardiac surgery today – Lecture 341.

Cardiac surgery today – Lecture 341.

Dr László Daróczi, cardiac surgeon, 341st SZÍVSN lecturer. Head of Department, Department of Cardiac Surgery, Faculty of General Medicine, Semmelweis University, Városmajor Heart and Vascular Clinic, Budapest. Exceptionally, we will also send you a short presentation, a short introduction, so that you can get to know such a man. We look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday 27 March at 18:00, with lots of love!

Videohívás linkje: https://meet.google.com/hhh-yxgy-usp

“The heart carries life on”

“I always see the whole person, I try to put myself in the shoes of the patient and even their family and loved ones. I believe that we as doctors should not ignore our cases, and I live every patient’s struggle, difficulty and pain. In cardiac surgery, you need not only a trained, calm doctor, but also a complete and empathetic person – and I do my best to be that kind of doctor, that kind of person, for my patients and their families. I believe that this is what God made me for. I knew as a child that I wanted to be a surgeon, and then in high school, as a religious person, I felt that the heart is not just a part of the body, not just an organ, but the house of the soul, the area where I need to work.”

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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