FH- Join our first webinar with top international expert speakers

FH- Join our first webinar with top international expert speakers

Join our first webinar with top international expert expert speakers: Prof. Albert Wiegman from The Netherlands, Prof. Zanfina Ademi from Australia, Prof. Ivan Pecin from Croatia, Gergerly Jambrik from Hungary and Indy Bangma from The Netherlands in the “Unmet needs series”. Those are four disease-specific webinars, specially curated to delve into the latest updates and patient unmet needs living with FH, HoFH, LP(a), and FCS. October 12 6:00 PM (CET)Register Here
Over 30 million people globally have Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH).

As it is genetic and inherited, it is passed down in families, from one generation to the next. Unfortunately, despite all the available knowledge we still estimate that 90% of people with FH are undiagnosed or misdiagnosed and as a consequence living at the high risk of developing premature and serious health issues.

Most people who are identified today, are being diagnosed as a result of an unexpected heart attack (in medical terms MI – myocardial infarction) or other cardiovascular problems.

For years the community of FH advocates have been advocating for early (childhood) screening for FH. There are a few models for screening, which start with a simple blood test for cholesterol levels. In a number of research studies and based on existing evidence from countries like the Netherlands and Slovenia, it has been proven that screening for FH is not only cost-effective but in the long term it also brings return on investment.So why is FH Screening not a norm yet?
And what are the unmet needs experienced by FH patients – as individuals and families?
Are there any unmet needs that other stakeholders face?
Join us in this session, to hear from different stakeholders about their lived experience as a patient, doctor, caregiver, parent, advocate and researcher. Learn from international experts about the latest data on FH in children (Kanika I. Dharmayat, UK), cost-effectiveness studies (Prof. Zanfina Ademi, Australia) and the ongoing as well as the latest implementation of screening efforts (Prof. Albert Wiegman, The Netherlands, and Prof. Ivan Pećin, Croatia) and finally the advocacy and the policy influencing actions which bring the above together (Gergely Jambrik, Hungary and Indy Bangma, The Netherlands). Your moderator on the day will be Magdalena Daccord, Chief Executive of FH Europe.See you on Thursday for this very important discussion. Remember to register and share on social media!

With warm regards,
Magdalena Daccord

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