The 2nd Lp(a) Awareness Day is approaching. In just under 10 days, on March 24th, we will be observing this still new awareness day launched only last year
As you know the topic of Lp(a) is gaining a lot of attention, and rightly so. Similarly to FH it is another serious genetic CVD risk factor and an inherited lipid condition running in the families. High levels of Lp(a) affect 1 in 5 people and it is more commonly found in people with FH, hence very relevant to our community.
Over the past weeks together with the Lp(a) Patient Ambassadors from around Europe we have been working on some ideas how to help raise awareness of this condition. I am proud to say on this occasion that there are 8 highly involved and committed Patient Ambassadors keen to advocate and support FH Europe Network! They have been already for some time – thank you Ambassadors!
With this we are delighted to share with you the plans for the day and some materials as well as plans for the near future.
- Lp(a) Awareness Day webinar – on Thursday, March 23, just before the actual awareness day we will host a webinar with 4 of Lp(a) Patient Ambassadors as speakers and Prof. Florian Kronenberg. The webinar recording will be available after the event on FH Europe’s YouTube channel with transcript in your language. So please do circulate it and share also among patients who do not speak English! Invitation attached!
- Please do make sure you register and join!
- Please do disseminate in our local/national groups.
- Promo pack attached
- Lp(a) Awareness Day signature – if you would like to have a signature like the one below – check out the visual in attachment.
- Lp(a) key messages leaflet – on the actual Lp(a) Awareness Day we will be launching a leaflet with basic questions and answers and objections handling development by the Ambassadors in collaboration with the medical experts – an idea initiated by the Ambassadors and in line with the example attached from the Family Heart Foundation.
- Lp(a) social media (SM) visuals – similarly to what we do for other days, we will be disseminating key Lp(a) facts and info cards which you will receive as well to share. Stay tuned!
In the meantime, you are invited to give the existing SM posts some love, like and share
- Lp(a) library of content – For further information please take a look at our YouTube channel where you will find previous webinars dedicated to Lp(a)
· Is your heart health at a serious risk? Elevated Lp(a) explained by experts.
· Elevated Lp(a) – inherited CVD risk factor explained by the medical and patient experts
· What is elevated Lp(a)?
· And Lp(a) Patient Support Brochure which you can download from here. Available in several languages.
And finally, we are pleased to share about:
- Lp(a) Patient Ambassadors recordings from the World Heart Federation (WHF) action – please note that two of the FH Europe Patient Ambassadors – Emma and J-P have recorded special video which will be disseminated in collaboration with the World Heart Federation from the Lp(a) Awareness Day.
- Lp(a) recordings from EAS 2022 – in 2022 some of the Lp(a) Patient Ambassadors contributed to recording a presentation for the EAS congress which we can now upload and disseminate with you in the next few days.
- There are some important developments when it comes to creating more patients’ and caregivers’ engagement when it comes to Lp(a) and we will be happy to share with you as soon as possible.
All those materials are only relevant if they are in your local language, therefore, if you like any of those with the local translations, please liaise with Emma Broome for support!