The mental, physical and financial situation of relatives of long-term patients is depressing

The mental, physical and financial situation of relatives of long-term patients is depressing

SZIVSN has also joined the Supporting Donors Programme!

Today in Hungary, hundreds of thousands of family members and relatives are caring for their loved ones with long-term illnesses. According to recent research carried out under the Supporting Families Programme, the situation of the vast majority of them is critical, physically, psychologically and financially. What’s more, those who need them most are the worst off. The national Supporting Families Programme, which aims to help family members caring for people with long-term conditions, will be launched on 21 October 2024, in partnership with 14 national patient organisations, including the National Patient Association SZÍVSN. The condition of the family carer has an impact on the condition, chances and prospects of the patient being cared for. The results of a sociological survey, based on more than 2,000 responses, mapping the health and financial situation, physical and emotional well-being, and the relationship with the family member caring for a loved one, were presented. Sixty-three per cent of respondents reported a deterioration in their own health and 85 per cent in their emotional well-being related to the family member’s illness. 59 per cent of respondents reported a deterioration in their financial situation and almost 75 per cent in their quality of life. 74 percent of family caregivers are often or constantly worried about their loved one’s condition, and 75 percent often or constantly feel exhausted. 37 per cent of caregivers have a worsening relationship with the person they help.

Every illness and every patient’s story is different, as is the burden on families and relatives, just as heart patients are very individual. However, the programme’s promoters have stressed that everyone’s situation is common, and support and attention are essential. Four per cent of the questionnaire respondents had cardiovascular disease, and they expressed their own difficulties in the same way. The uncertainty, lack of information, lack of knowledge and helplessness caused by their changed life situation also places a very heavy burden on their families and relatives. So we will be the bastions of the Supporting Families Programme!

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